Right now I am trialing the Premium version (which you will be able to as well - if you complete the 6 things on the list after you sign up for Todoist). In my opinion, only Labels is a critical aspect of the GTD framework I am outlining below. Some of the features called out in this post are available ONLY in the Premium version of Todoist - specifically the following: Important Caveat: One important note about this post - it presumes the use of Todoist Premium. In general, my approach is to try and keep it simple enough where the framework itself is not a burden - but something that I can evolve as I go.

So - here’s how I would go about doing this.

While I have implemented a Getting Things Done (GTD) framework using the Secret Weapon methodology for Evernote, I have not hitherto tried to do the same with Todoist. I am a fairly new user of Todoist (web site) - a task management tool that is available across many platforms (one of the reasons I started using it). It was prompted by an interest to setup a GTD workflow using Todoist.

This is a follow up blog post to my previous post: Evernote and Todoist: REALLY Getting Things Done. Getting Things Done with Todoist - My GTD Setup